August 26, 2019
Status epilepticus care and treatment are already being touched by the revolution in data science. New approaches designed to leverage the tremendous potential of “big data” in the clinical sphere are enabling researchers and clinicians to extract information from sources such as administrative claims data, the electronic medical health record, and continuous physiologic monitoring data streams. Algorithmic methods of data extraction also offer potential to fuse multimodal data (including text-based documentation, imaging data, and time-series data) to improve patient assessment and stratification beyond the manual capabilities of individual physicians. Still, the potential of data science to impact the diagnosis, treatment, and minute-to-minute care of patients with status epilepticus is only starting to be appreciated.
This brief review discusses how data science is impacting the field and draw examples from the following three main areas
While early, it is the researchers’ hope that these examples will stimulate investigators to leverage data science, computer science, and engineering methods to improve the care and outcome of patients with status epilepticus and other neurological disorders.