IT Startup Launches Software to Encourage Physician-Family Conversations About Epilepsy

February 1, 2019

Physicians can now be alerted to pediatric patients’ risk of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy, or SUDEP, during routine primary care visits by using software developed and commercialized by a researcher-entrepreneur at the Indiana University School of Medicine.

Digital Health Solutions LLC, founded by Dr. Stephen Downs, has created a module about SUDEP for its Child Health Improvement through Computer Automation, or CHICA, system. Families answer questions on an electronic tablet about several health topics, including epileptic seizures.

“For children who have seizures, CHICA asks follow-up questions about frequency, medication adherence and barriers to accessing care,” said Downs, who is the Jean and Jerry Bepko Professor of Pediatrics at the IU School of Medicine. “The program shares this information with the physician. It also makes a reminder, through the patient’s electronic health record, for the physician to discuss SUDEP with the family. The physician can document discussing SUDEP and provide computer-generated educational materials.”