CURE Epilepsy Update: May 2021

May 6, 2021

Greetings CURE Epilepsy community,

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, an opportunity for the epilepsy community to raise awareness and challenge stigma about mental health concerns specific to people with epilepsy. One-third of people with epilepsy also have a comorbid psychiatric condition, with anxiety and depression being the most common. Mental health conditions can impact the quality of life, and stress can affect seizures.

To learn more about epilepsy and mental health, watch or listen to the Seizing Life episode “Epilepsy and Mental Health: What You Should Know featuring Dr. Andres Kanner” or the webinar “Anxiety and Depression Associated with Epilepsy.”

In this CURE Epilepsy update, please also find information on:

Thank you for your enduring support of research toward a cure for epilepsy.

Beth Lewin Dean, CEO

Epilepsy and Aging Webinar on May 27

Epilepsy is the third-most common neurological disorder in people ages 65 and older after stroke and dementia, conditions which themselves increase seizure risk. Join us Thursday, May 27 at 2pm CT as Dr. Alice Lam discusses the relationship between epilepsy, dementia, and stroke, and whether people with epilepsy have an increased chance of developing dementia as they age. Viewers will also learn about strategies that people with epilepsy can implement to reduce their risk for these conditions.

Robert Withrow Wier Challenge Grant: Help Unlock Funds for Research for a Cure

The Robert Withrow Wier Challenge Grant will match new gifts dollar-for-dollar until we reach $250,000. This includes gifts from first-time donors and past donors who did not make a gift in 2020. The Robert Withrow Wier Challenge Grant will only be unlocked once we raise $250,000 in new gifts. Even small gifts make a big difference! Please make a gift now and help us accelerate research toward a cure.

Running for Research – Thank You!
Learn More

Our deepest thanks to all of our #TeamCUREepilepsy Champions who ran, walked, and fundraised for research to find a cure for epilepsy! Did you miss the Run for Research virtual marathon, or is running not for you? You can still be part of the Team! Find out how you can be a Champion here.

PAME Webinar: Understanding Disparities in Epilepsy Mortality – Global and National Perspectives on May 18

Partners Against Mortality in Epilepsy (PAME) is hosting a free webinar on Tuesday, May 18 at 11am ET exploring racial, ethnic, economic, and geographic differences in epilepsy-related mortality. Families, advocates, and professionals are welcome to participate.

New from Seizing Life, a CURE Epilepsy Podcast

Catch up on the latest episodes of our Seizing Life podcast and listen as:

  • Author and journalist Liane Kupferberg Carter speaks to us about her journey raising a son with a dual diagnosis of autism and epilepsy. Watch or listen.
  • Elissa Moore recounts her family’s frustrating journey to an epilepsy diagnosis for her son, the debilitating physical and mental side effects of medication, and the challenges they encountered in pursuit of the right treatment. Watch or listen.

Do you have a story you want to tell about how epilepsy has impacted your life, your family, or your community? Please share your epilepsy truth on our website.