Clinical Trail: Study to Investigate Safety and Tolerability of Intravenous Lacosamide in Children

July 17, 2018

The ASPIRE study is investigating whether Lacosamide (Vimpat®) given intravenously (into the vein) is safe for children and what it does in the body. This study enrolls children who are between 1 month and 16 years of age who have epilepsy, and for whom intravenous infusion is an option. All children will receive Lacosamide for a period that can last up to 45 days, but may be as short as one day, depending on the child’s condition. The study is running in a total of seven countries, including the US.

Eligibility Criteria:

Ages Eligible for Study: 4 Years to 16 years (child)
Sexes Eligible for Study: All
Accepts Healthy Volunteers: No

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Male or female from >=4 to <17 years of age
  • Subject has a diagnosis of epilepsy with partial-onset seizures or primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures
  • Subject meets 1 of the following criteria:
    • Open-label lacosmide (OLL) subject: Subject is currently receiving oral lacosmide (LCM) as adjunctive or monotherapy as participants in an open label long-term study (SP848, EP0034, or other pediatric study); OR,
    • Prescription lacosamide (RxL) subject: Subject is currently receiving prescribed oral LCM from commercial supply (eg, VIMPAT) as adjunctive or monotherapy; OR,
    • Initiating intravenous lacosamide (IIL) subject: Subject is not currently receiving LCM and will receive intravenous (iv) LCM as adjunctive treatment in EP0060. Initiation of LCM monotherapy is not permitted in IIL subjects.
  • Subject is an OLL or RxL subject and meets both of the following criteria:
    • Subject has been administered LCM for the treatment of epilepsy for at least 2 weeks prior to Screening; AND,
    • Subject has been administered (OLL) or prescribed (RxL) oral LCM at a dose of 2mg/kg/day to 12mg/kg/day (for subjects <50kg) or 100mg/day to 600mg/day (for subjects >=50kg). Open-label study drug LCM (OLL) or prescribed oral LCM dose (RxL) must be stable for at least 3 days prior to first LCM infusion; OR,
  • Subject is an ILL subject and is on a stable dosage regimen of at least 1 antiepileptic drug (AED). The daily dosage regimen of concomitant AED therapy must be kept constant for a period of at least 2 weeks prior to Screening.
  • Subject is an acceptable candidate for venipuncture and iv infusion
  • Subject is, in the opinion of the investigator, able to comply with all study requirements. Subject (or parent[s] or legal representative) is willing to comply with all study requirements


Exclusion Criteria:

  • Subject has previously received intravenous (iv) lacosamide (LCM) in this study
  • Subject has any medical, neurological, or psychiatric condition that, in the opinion of the investigator, could jeopardize the subject’s health or compromise the subject’s ability to participate in EP0060
  • Subject has clinically significant hypotension or bradycardia in the opinion of the investigator
  • Subject >=6 years of age has a lifetime history of suicide attempt (including an actual attempt, interrupted attempt, or aborted attempt), or has suicidal ideation in the past 6 months as indicated by positive responses (“Yes”) to either Question 4 or Question 5 of the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) at Screening