Severe head injury is significantly associated with functional (psychogenic) seizures.
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These findings suggest that a gene or genes in the CUX2-RPH3A ~2-Mb region contribute to the pathology of epilepsy in the Japanese population.
Depression, drug-resistant epilepsy, and a reduction in family income were independent risk factors for an increased seizure frequency.
Data later will be used by Encoded in its development of EXT101, its investigational gene therapy for Dravet.
The study identified a sequence of events that takes place during a seizure which can progress and lead to death, and that intervention during a seizure can rescue death in mice with epilepsy.
Pharmacist-led education and counselling interventions may significantly improve the quality of life of patients with epilepsy.
Dynamic PET, as an addition to the noninvasive toolkit, can expand the number of epilepsy surgery candidates.
The extensive functional and neuropathological characterization of this TBI model, provides a tool to identify sensitive measures of epilepsy development and severity clinically useful for increasing PTE prediction in high-risk TBI patients.