Pediatric Epilepsy
Researchers observed no difference in functional neurodevelopment or epilepsy among children aged 24 months regardless of whether anti-seizure medication was discontinued or maintained in infants at discharge once seizures ceased.
Researcher Update: Funding Opportunities and Seminars
A substantial proportion of individuals with newly diagnosed epilepsy report prior seizures, suggesting a missed opportunity for early epilepsy care and management.
Scientists have discovered that the way in which neurons are connected within regions of the brain, can be a better indicator of disease progression and treatment outcomes for people with brain disorders such as epilepsy.
In regard to the global pandemic of COVID-19, it seems that persons with epilepsy (PWE) are not more vulnerable to get infected by SARS-CoV-2, nor are they more susceptible to a critical course of the disease.
Researchers from Case Western Reserve University have identified a potential new approach to better controlling epileptic seizures.
This study investigated clinical outcomes of WS patients with genetic and unknown etiologies.
The data demonstrate that the proposed model for Dravet syndrome is suitable for screening novel compounds for the ability to block hyperthermia-induced seizures and that heterozygous mice can be evaluated repeatedly over the course of several weeks, allowing for higher throughput screening.
This study examines whether and how perceived stigma, unemployment and depression interact to influence suicidal risk in PWE.