Study designs allowing for long-term comparative observations would be of great value, but are hindered by the inherent nature of a long-term [surgical] control group and the bias associated with open-label trials.
Based on aggregated clinical data analytics, the project will provide insights into disease progression and responses to treatment.
This webinar discusses how epilepsy patients, their families, and pediatric neurologists can develop a plan to prepare for the transition of care.
Researchers find that perampanel increases assessment scores indicative of aggression as well as depression.
A Grayling-area man is the first in Michigan with a complete Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) system surgically implanted for the treatment of epilepsy
Pediatric Epilepsy
NeuroCycle Therapeutics was awarded a $0.5M Small Business Innovation Research grant from the NINDS to evaluate its advanced subtype-selective GABAA receptor modulators in models of Dravet Syndrome.
The 5-year grants support different studies, both focused on understanding the pathophysiology of ion channel-related disorders, including epilepsy, in search of viable therapies.
The expert “Peer Exchange” panel focuses on specific information on the incidence and causes of epilepsy that may lead to better, more accurate management.