For patients with epilepsy, treatment with perampanel increases both aggression and depression significantly.
Children with epilepsy under therapeutic doses of levetiracetam showed significantly elevated levels of MDA and 8-OHdG, which is supportive for oxidative damage under levetiracetam therapy.
Researchers used artificial intelligence and video analytics technology to analyse hospital-monitoring videos of 39 patients and 161 seizures
Compared with girls in the general population, girls with epilepsy seem to be at a higher risk of being diagnosed with ADHD/ASD as the gender ratio is more equal.
This study found that ambulatory video-EEG monitoring is useful for non-urgent diagnostic evaluation of events.
The Task Force for Epilepsy Education developed a competency-based curriculum for epileptology, covering the spectrum of skills and knowledge for best medical practice.
This gift benefits CURE and its initiatives to find a cure for epilepsy.
Researchers identified an excitatory connection association with inhibition of formation of the left hippocampal region in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.