"In a best-case scenario, around 70-80% of [these patients] would be seizure-free - often after enduring seizures uncontrolled by medications for 20 years or more," Professor Kwan said.
Brivaracetam was effective and well?tolerated in patients who required a change in AED drug regimen and initiated “add-on” brivaracetam in German clinical practice.
Despite the multiple implications of modern diagnostic techniques, especially genetic testing, there is a large proportion of patients with epilepsy and intellectual disability who do not have access to them.
This randomized controlled trial provided the first evidence that combined physical training improves executive function in adults with epilepsy, showing main improvements in attention and language tasks.
The results provide evidence that epilepsy SM behavior and practices, QoL, outcome expectation for epilepsy treatment and management, self-efficacy, and outcome expectation and impact of epilepsy significantly improve following a personalized SM education intervention.
The researchers found no differences in development, thinking skills or behavior between the children who had febrile seizures following a vaccination and those who had febrile seizures at other times or those who never had a seizure.
Overall, out of the 146 unique articles identified, there was a steady increase in epilepsy reporting over time, with most articles published with a positive tone.
These results suggest that various modulatory processes, operating at different timescales, appear to lead to variable seizure pathways in individual patients.