together we will cure epilepsy
CURE Epilepsy is the leading nonprofit epilepsy research organization investing in unmet research needs and setting in motion groundbreaking advances that will lead to a cure.
Our MissionStart here on your journey to Understanding Epilepsy
From medication and surgery to alternative therapies and medical devices, there are many ways to treat epilepsy and seizures.
Learn how to join the cause and help us find a cure for epilepsy!
According to my calculations, every CURE Epilepsy dollar that I received was turned into $10 in federal grant funding. I think it’s of crucial importance to have this kind of seed funding for novel ideas because it’s those projects that really can be paradigm-shifting and that can move research forward.
The resources and flexibility afforded by the CURE Epilepsy Catalyst program enable researchers an opportunity to jump-start the long, complex path from lab discovery to clinic. The design and implementation of this program will reap rich dividends for the field.
raised for epilepsy research
grants funded across 19 countries
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